You do not have to decide what the end result will be to get started. You may not have decided whether to make, a movie, a book, or simply a family tree with notes. That’s OK! Anything you do will help later whether it is you that brings the family history up to date or the next generation. Anything is better than nothing.
To begin, get a notebook or pad of paper or make a file on your computer – whichever works for you to add to each time you work on the family history. Start with some notes on what you already know (the tree as you know it, stories you've enjoyed and would like to pass on), what you already have (photos, video, memorabilia, family Bible), and what you will need before too long (i.e., ‘learn to use my video camera on my phone.’)
Then make a time plan. “I’ll think about what questions I would like answers to and who best to ask on my way to work on Wednesdays instead of listening to the radio.” Or “Tuesday nights I’ll record my favorite show so I can do 2 things toward my family history.” Don’t get too specific on what you’ll do yet, just block out some time in your week and add it to your calendar.